Caring expressions are images, sounds, code, words or any shareable expression enacting or doing care, rather than representing it. Here you will find things we are making, listening to, reading, feeling and learning with.

Making Space


Shared by: Frances Stacey

Making Space

‘Working with women' in Matrix's Making Space: Women and the Man Made Environment, 1984: this is an inspiring chapter by Francis Bradshaw that explores design for housing, healthcare, childcare and community organising. It is an account of the joys and challenges of centring many voices in a design process; and the lengthy, messy and liberating ways to prioritise feelings and lived experience in envisioning a new community resource for a site in East London.

See their online archive for more and a PDF of the book here. I've treasured my copy, that was my Grannies, returning to it and reading in various contexts with other womxn. A new edition was published in 2022 by Verso. – Frances Stacey